I got to meet Chandler (the gentleman speaking in the video) during a recent APS building science training seminar held earlier this week. Chandler works with the National Energy Star Program and with APS and SRP's Arizona's Home Performance With Energy Star Program. Learning from the experts in the industry always injects fresh ideas and gives new test methods to implement to make our services even better. Enjoy the video series!
Here is a short intro on what an energy audit look at and some of the benefits. A Home's Performance is not just about Air Conditioning or Solar Electricity to lower your energy bills. It's about 1) looking at your entire home and how your house works as a system (yes, it does); 2) testing and measuring your home's current condition; 3) developing a roadmap that outlines what steps you need to take, cost savings and ROI for each upgrade; and 4) testing out to measure the improvement.
I got to meet Chandler (the gentleman speaking in the video) during a recent APS building science training seminar held earlier this week. Chandler works with the National Energy Star Program and with APS and SRP's Arizona's Home Performance With Energy Star Program. Learning from the experts in the industry always injects fresh ideas and gives new test methods to implement to make our services even better. Enjoy the video series!
AZ Solar PowerFrom the front lines of your attic - an auditors view of how to save energy and money at home See How Much Solar Can Save YouArchives
June 2018